Earn Vouchers for attending classes in person or virtually! Use those vouchers to purchase diapers, wipes, kid clothes, car seats, and more. All Little Lambs Classes are FREE. Caregivers, friends, and grandparents are welcome to attend. Some classes require preregistration see details below or give us a call for more information!

The Women’s Hospital Prenatal Education

Free 15 minute Online Course About Children in Hot Cars – Earn two vouchers for completing this course.
Learn how to prevent heatstroke deaths. This training is 15 minutes long and you will receive a certificate at the end. Print or screen shot your certificate to redeem it for one Little Lambs voucher. https://training.nsc.org/hot-cars/

Safe Sleep Classes – In Person and Virtual

Most sleep related deaths are preventable, yet 100 Indiana babies die each year from sleep related causes. Do you want to learn the steps to safe sleep? Confused about which cribs and bassinets are safe? Concerned about Rock N Plays and other recalls? Need a safe place for your child to sleep? Come to this class and have your questions answered, pre-registration is required.
Safe Sleep Classes are offered in person at Little Lambs! Call us to register!
Safe Sleep Classes are offered virtually through the Vanderburgh County Health Department. Visit their website for more information: https://vanderburghhealth.org/safe-sleep-education/
Car Seat Classes and Inspections by Appointment

Little Lambs is a Car Seat Inspection Station! You may have your child’s car seat checked by one of our Child Passenger Safety Technicians. Please call and make an appointment, we schedule inspections when the store is closed. We have a variety of car seats that may be purchased with vouchers or donations. Caregivers earn a voucher for every child who is checked!
Drop in Parenting Classes at The Potter’s Wheel
Join other caregivers in person every Thursday from 1- 2 pm at the Potter’s Wheel for Peaceful Parenting Class and other topics. Free diapers and Little Lambs vouchers.

Virtual Parent Café with Ireland Home Based Services

Follow Ireland Parent Café and Sign Up on Facebook @IHBSParentCafe or by calling 812-483-8369 https://www.facebook.com/IHBSParentCafe/events/?ref=page_internal

Call 812-483-8369 for more information or follow Ireland’s Recovery Community Café on Facebook @IHBSRecoveryCommunityCafe https://www.facebook.com/IHBSRecoveryCommunityCafe
Purdue Extension In Person Classes – Follow our Facebook page for updates!
Purdue Extension Virtual Classes – Earn Vouchers at Home!
The Vanderburgh County Purdue Extension has created a series of videos you can watch to earn vouchers. Simply click on a link below, watch the video, then complete an evaluation form found here https://bit.ly/LittleLambs2020. You must create a new evaluation form for each video you watch in order to earn vouchers.