Citas disponibles para instalaciones de silla para carro, puede llamar o enviar un correo electronico para agendar.
¡Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al 812-425-5262 para obtener más información!
Oportunidad de aprendizaje electrónico para ganar cupones
#1 – Mire este video de diez minutos sobre el sueño seguro y háganos saber lo que aprendió enviándonos un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Gane dos cupones por ver este video y contarnos lo que aprendió.
#2 – Pulse aquí y complete este breve entrenamiento online que le llevará unos 15 minutos. Después de completarlo, imprima el certificado o tome una foto de la pantalla del ordenador en la que se muestre el certificado con su teléfono. Traiga dicha foto a Little Lambs y recibirá 2 cupones-Little Lambs.

At Little Lambs, we want to build a community of healthy and safe children. We do this by working with health clinics, doctors’ offices, and organizations that will give parents Little Lambs vouchers when parents participate in their program. These vouchers are then used in the Little Lambs store to purchase items such as diapers, car seats, safety items, and clothing. We offer parenting classes throughout the month, including car seat inspection appointments, and safe sleep classes. Our website and Facebook page list our classes.
Car Seat Appointments are available please call to schedule.
Email [email protected] any time or call 812-425-5262 for more information!

Thank you to the Women’s Fund of Vanderburgh County in the Vanderburgh Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Community Foundation Alliance, Inc. for the generous grant! This grant is helping us build better connections with Spanish speaking families with a Spanish Speaking Coordinator position, providing car seat inspections and car seats, and supporting the increase need of basic essentials in the Little Lambs store.
To reach our Spanish Coordinator, email [email protected] or call Little Lambs at 812-425-5262.